Munzur Rahman

Munzur Rahman

Techno Commercial Experts

About Munzur Rahman

Munzur Rahman is a cyber security professional, trainer, public speaker, & mentor with almost 2 decades of experience in the ICT,  Telecommunication & Software Engineering sectors. He exercised senior and leading roles in big corporations like Grameenphone Limited (GP) in Bangladesh and KPN in Netherland. He bid farewell to Grameenphone from a lead engineering position back in 2012 to pursue an international career as a consultant in the Netherlands. In his current role in KPN, he leads the information security strategy and implementation for the IT department by enabling people, processes, & tools. His working domain consists of 150+ teams, 600+ applications, and a 1000+ workforce across the globe. Among the main stockholders, he works closely with business, CISO, internal audit, risk department, privacy office, & AI excellence centre.

His main areas of expertise are application, data, network and cloud infrastructure security, threat modelling, secure software development lifecycle (SSDLC), secure programming, risk management, security testing, and auditing. Apart from the hard-core security, he is also an expert in privacy and other regulatory compliance areas, including the EU AI Act and responsible AI systems.

He is active as a mentor to help the juniors grow as cyber security professionals. He also conducts training and knowledge-sharing sessions. Moreover, he is also paving the road for security culture change within the whole organisation.

He has recently completed his master’s in cyber security from the University of Leiden in the Netherlands and did his undergraduate (BSc.) from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) in CSE. He held multiple reputable industry certifications, such as CISSP from ISC2 and CEH, AWS solution architect associate, ITIL and Scrum Master.

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